

New Group Gift Info!

The new group gift is a tattoo for the upper body.

.::CINQ ONZE::. Love Heart Tattoo GGift

This time round the tattoo is in colour!
You`ll find it in our main store and also at our Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop branch. 


Hair Make .+*Heart Softens*+. + .::CINQ ONZE::. Tattoo Shop.

Simply wear your group tag and touch the board to recieve it.

The previous group gift 

 .::CINQ ONZE::. WD2 Socks GGift 

will be taken down some time this week, so if you have yet to go get it please do so ASAP.

Bye for now and have a great Second Life ^^

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